Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Holy cow i haven't posted in a bit. all my photos are shot and most if not all have been printed. now to edit some out!! i'm at 50something right now... fun stuff

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Store Closing For Good

My mind has been a million places lately with everything that has been going on and this is one of the only places i could find to vent and let things out without much repercussions. To add to the stress of work, school and family life i now have to add in looking for a new job. I got to find out that my store is going out of business but instead of being able to hear about it from the one person i should hear about it from, my boss, and have gotten to hear from everyone else he has told. better yet its most likely at the end of the month, a week away. I have yet to be told and i'm not sure if i'm way off base but i'm very very irritated by this. I want to confront him about it and get the straight facts but i also want to wait and see how long it takes him to tell me. i'm the only employee so i feel very disrespected and put down that the nurse at the dentist office next door has known about it longer than i have.

talked to him finally and it is confirmed. time to start looking for a new job...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Havent posted in a few days. Just got back saturday night at midnight from working the powerlifting meet. I checked out the color checker and was super excited about trying it out and testing it. Sadly i ended up working the entire event and not being able to even unzip my camera bag! it was a great time but i wish i would have been able to get a few shots in. there were not too many impressive lifts to report but it still would have been nice... Oh well there is always the next one... in march...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Im a big fan of motivational videos and speeches so here are a couple: i like the speech and a few of the olympic lifting pictures in this one.
ill post a few as i find them

1/26. Random things from being bored at work

Nicolas Henri: this guys stuff is nuts | Liebe | Hoffnung/Glaube | Liebe | Hoffnung/1

i found him while doing a google search on famous photographers. I strangly like it.